Monday, April 20, 2009

Horrifying and lasting impressions..

From watching commercials (think you might be led to believe that the dangers of bad credit are directly related with donning some sort of humiliating costume.

Think about it, because of delinquent credit, the poor schmoes are either pirates serving fast food fish, or minstrels languishing at some Renaissance fair. The association is so strong for me that I now connect bad credit with humiliating dress up. (I suppose if you happen to be a huge fan of Halloween masquerades or civil war reenactment, you may not need to concern yourself about credit in the least.)

It's interesting how a commercial can so easily cause me to relate two very unrelated things. People are that way to me too. I may may see someone and suddenly think of peanut butter, or spring, or toilet paper, depending on my strongest memories with them..

I wonder what people think of when they see me.....or when they see you.. I hope to live my life in a way that causes people to associate me with something real and something meaningful....

I think for that to happen I'm going to need to tone down the sarcasm a bit.


  1. Last winter, I got 5% cash back on grocery purchases...However, I felt the need to explain myself to the cashier each week because "only those who can't budget need to charge something like groceries"!!!! Does that put me in the same category as the commercial?

  2. Anonymous,
    Only if you were wearing some sort of pirate costume when you charged them....

  3. Oh man we buy everything on credit card bc we get either cash back or we can pick gift cards to many different places! (It pays to Discover haha!)

    I think our brain automatically tries to categorize things and associate them with other things. Smells, songs, colors, etc. Sometimes I think these associations don't mean much- like I think of VA when I smell the inside of our truck, it makes me think of driving around down there when it was new).

    Some associations I think we put more thought into, and we think of the bigger picture- like with you I think of song, prayer, praise & worship... instead of the funny sarcasm that makes me laugh : )

  4. Holly,
    I've very glad to hear that you associate me with song and prayer and not toilet paper and pirate costumes.. hehe
    You make me think of smiling in general and Mike smiling in particular...he NEVER smiled so much until he met you!!
